Create Your Own Customized Healing Garden

Good health grows in nature, especially when you plant healing herbs in your backyard! In my second book, you will meet more than 50 easy to grow medicinal herbs and discover over 20 themed healing gardens. Chock full of recipes and healing topics including daily tonics, stress relief, flavorful herbs, brain boosters, digestive support, detoxification, skin care, pain relief, and more.

While it’s true you could buy this book from online stores like AmazonIndieBound, and Barnes and Noble (sometimes for less) or your local book shop…

Includes Special Bonus Items

If you order directly from Maria, you will better support her work.
Plus, the book will be signed by Maria!.
And, you’ll receive access to book bonuses: remedy making videos plus e-books about garden herbs and medicinal mushrooms.

$24.95 Softcover

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Exclusive Book Bonus Goodies!

When you buy your book direct through me, you’ll receive immediate access via email to these bonus goodies as a thank you for supporting my work in the best way possible.

Bonus Garden Herbs eBook

Additional Plant Profiles
of Alder, Aloe, Evergreens, Magnolia, New England Aster, Peach, and Witch Hazel
Medicinal Uses of Common Culinary Herbs
not covered in depth in the book including Bay, Horseradish, Lovage, Parsley, and Stevia
Special Appendix: Mega Herb Growing Chart
actually, I think this is so important to see all the herbs in the book and eBook at a glance that it’s also accessible to everyone here.

Bonus Medicinal Mushrooms eBook

Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms
Mushroom Tips and Cautions
Best Mushroom Medicinal Preparations with Recipes
Quick Overview of Mushroom Cultivation
Mushroom Foraging Tips
My Favorite Mushroom Books and Resources
Profiles on Shiitake, Maitake, Reishi, Turkey Tails, and Chaga
Shorter profiles on Oyster and Lion’s Mane

Bonus Remedy Making Videos

Tummy Soothing Garden Tea: Gut Healing Tummy Tea, Marshmallow Overnight Cold Infusion
Brain Boosting Tincture & Teas: Rosemary Tincture, Rosemary Lemon Tea, Mint Memory Tea
Immune SOS Garden: Darcey Blue’s Amazing Elderberry Syrup, Alcohol Free Elder Rosehip Oxymel
Brain Boosting Powders & Bonbons: Powder Your Own Herbs, Brainiac Bonbons

What’s Covered in Grow Your Own Herbal Remedies

Grow Your Own Herbal Remedies teaches you how to customize your medicinal garden with safe, effective, and easy-to-grow plants organized by health goal and body system. The introduction covers basic growing and medicine making techniques, then delve into the specific themed healing gardens. In the themed gardens, you’ll learn four to five key herbs for each health goal, quick tips, and my tried-and-true recipes you can make with them. Look in the back at the plant profiles for more detailed information on each herb with growing or wildcrafting tips, medicinal uses, cautions, how to harvest and prepare them, and a list of recipes in the book that feature each plant. This is all beautifully laid out with full-color photographs taken in my garden by the book’s amazing photographer Stacy Cramp (see below).

Click Here for a Detailed Overview of all the Plants and Recipes Covered in this Book!

Examples of Remedies You’ll Learn to Make from the Garden

Lemon Balm Catnip Glycerite for digestion, gas, and nervous indigestion
Dandelion-Violet Leaf Pesto
 for deep nutrition, spring cleansing, and bone strength
Nettle Oat Chai for nutrition and a tasty beverage
Mineral Rich “Coffee” Syrup for gentle detoxification and minerals
Brainiac Bonbons as a daily energy and cognitive tonic
Rose Sipping Water, Hydrosol and Glycerite to gladden your heart and de-stress
Quick Dill Pickles to improve digestion and ease an upset tummy
Gut Healing Tummy Teas for gut repair
Elder Rosehip Oxymel for immune support
Aches, Pains, Strains & Sprains Tincture and Liniment featuring common wild weeds
Calendula Comfrey Cream excellent for itchy and aging skin
Allergy Tincture Blend for seasonal allergies

The Book at a Glance









Book and page header photography by the amazing and delightful Stacey Cramp.