Begin Your Herbalist Journey

The Home Herbalist Series is taught by Clinical Herbalist Maria Noël Groves, RH AHG

Fascinated by plant medicine but not sure where to begin your herbal studies? Empower yourself in herbal medicine with the Home Herbalist Series. In these nine classes you will learn core body systems, primary medicinal remedies and key concepts of herbal medicine.  Each class covers a body system and at least one herbal remedy.  Learn how to use herbs and diet along with lifestyle changes to bring the body back into balance. Common health concerns will also be covered.

“The series was wonderful. It met and exceeded my expectations. Just in one series, I feel so much more comfortable working with herbs and it really has ignited a flame within me.”
– 2022 Live Stream Online Student

Choose one of three course formats: 

1. Winter/Spring Live Stream Online Series – Starts March 4th – Late April 2025 -Tuesday Nights from 6 – 9 PM Eastern Time – available worldwide*- Register Here

2. Online At Your Own Pace – available any time, anywhere*  – Register Here with No Kit or Register Here with Kit

 In Person will not happen for this series in 2025. Likely Summer 2026.

Remedy Kits $125.00 (includes shipping, USA only)

shipping in summer for online students; in-person students pick up on first day of class

The Home Herbalist course closely follows Maria’s best selling, award winning Body Into Balance book which has become required reading in many herb schools across the nation. It is not essential to own a copy of the book, but you may find it a handy companion to your class notes.

The Home Herbalist Series will give beginner and intermediate herb students a solid base in herbalism so that you are able to use herbs safely and effectively in your home. You can then further your studies with the Beyond the Home Herbalist Series. Both of these series are an excellent launching point for further studies and to become a professional clinical herbalist.


Course Overview

Class 1: Introduction to Herbalism & Herbal Nutrition | The Art of Tea

Class 2: Stress & Energy: Adaptogens for Health | Tinctures

Class 3: Relaxation & Mood: Herbs for the Nervous System | Flower Essences

Class 4: Digestive Wellness: Herbs for the Upper & Lower GI | Herbal Oils

Class 5: Detoxification: Herbs for the Liver, Colon & Urinary Tract | Capsules

Class 6: Herbs to Support Blood Sugar Balance | Skin Salves

Class 7: Heart Health: Hypertension & Cholesterol | Herb Honey & Vinegar

Class 8: Herbs for Immunity, Allergies, Cold & Flu | Elderberry Syrup

Class 9: Herbs for Reproductive Hormone Balance | Lip Balm, Cream, Bodycare

Bonus Recorded Classes include Intro to Herbal Energetics, Formulation, Sourcing Herbs, Sleep Support, Uplifting Herbs, Herb Gardening, Alcohol-Free Remedy Making, First Aid Kits, Herb-Drug Interactions, Science of Herbs and various Herb Walk Videos

Maria’s classes are information-packed and primarily lecture-style with at-home hands-on activity. The homework is rigorous and academically minded. Maria teaches Western Herbalism with a focus on backyard herbs and those commonly available in commerce. She combines scientific evidence with traditional use, clinical experience, and personal stories about each herb as well as holistic anatomy and physiology for each body system.

Prospective Herbal Students ~ PLEASE ALSO READ
Class Policies and FAQs
as well as my article on Becoming an Herbalist

And/OR check out this free/choose-your-price class on Becoming an Herbalist


What Does Registration Include?

No matter which course format you choose, ALL series students receive…

Exclusive Access to
• Lengthly class notes and full color slides
• Audio and webinar videos of live recorded classes
• Remedy making videos
• Herb walk videos and audio recordings
• In-depth and hands-on homework assignments and feedback
• There is no time limit/no deadline for your access to course materials and completing homework and the series
• One year student membership to the American Herbalists Guild ($60-70 value)
(AHG membership includes discounts for herb companies and schools, hundreds of free webinars and conference recordings, and other benefits)
• 2025 student discounts for Foster Farm BotanicalsMountain Rose Herbs, Back in Thyme Wellness & HerbsSociete Healing Teas & ApothecaryAlchemy & Herbs ShopThe Herbal Scoop, Climbing Vines Herbary, Terra Basics, Oshala Farm, Misty Meadow Herbal Center & Botanical Sanctuary and others. (Discounts are subject to changes.)
• Access to an online Wintergreen Botanicals student Facebook community
• Certificate and graduation pendant upon completion (content + homework)*

Classes are affordably priced and include lifetime access to all course materials.

Each class is approximately 3+ hours of video/audio (or live class) time plus 2-10 hours of reading and homework. Nine classes total in the series.
*There is no deadline to complete homework and get your certificate. Certificate requirements vary depending on course format.

PREVIEW the Class 1 Homework  here. (Most students spend 2-10 hours per class assignment on homework). Not all students choose to do homework, but it’s a component of getting a certificate and a great opportunity to deepen your learning.

Access to course materials will be emailed to you upon completed registration (if online) or shortly before live/in-person classes begin.(Check your spam folder! Email Maria at if you have any issues.) Course registration is nonrefundable.

Choose among three course formats:

•  at-your-own pace pre-recorded online course
•  live-streamed online course
•  in-person classroom course (in-class remedy activities and demos)

Details on each format and registration links below ~


Live Stream Online

Bring the live classroom experience to your home anywhere in the world! Enjoy the interaction and accountability of regularly scheduled live online classes with lecture and remedy-making demos. All classes are recorded and available to re-watch if you miss a class. Enjoy forever-access to all online materials.

Certificates of completion available for live stream students who…
1. Attend at least 80% of live stream classes, read notes, and make one remedy for each class, sending in a remedy report for each remedy. (Doing full homework is optional but encouraged.) OR
2. Attend or watch/listen/read pre-recorded materials and complete full homework for all classes.

Winter/Spring 2025 (March 4th – Late April) – $520
Register Here

To access the series without a kit ($395),
use code “NOKIT” when registering

At Your Own Pace

Perfect for students far away or those without the flexibility to commit to a set schedule or timeline for study. Study the same course content at your own pace with extensive course materials.

Download it all to your computer or access online and revisit it as often as you’d like with forever-access..

There is no deadline to complete the program.

Certificates of completion available for at-your-own-pace online students who… Watch/listen/read to all pre-recorded materials and complete full homework for all classes.

Available any time, anywhere in the world.
Register Here no kit – $395

Register Here with Kit – $520

In My Classroom

Take part in the dynamic in-person environment in the Wintergreen Botanicals classroom located in Chichester, New Hampshire. Enjoy remedy making activities and demos with take home-home goodies in every class as well as camaraderie of your fellow classmates, plant swaps, and other special opportunities. If you’re able to make the drive and commitment, it’s worth it! Free 30-minute herb walks before selected classes.
Access to all online materials included.

Certificates of completion available for in person students who…
Attend at least 80% of live classes. You’re expected to read all class notes and try the remedies we make in class. Homework is optional.

This option is not available for 2025. Likely to return 2026.

Get a Sneak Peak First

Test out a class!

Try Class 1 (pre-recorded online) for $25 – register here
or Request Any Pre-Recorded Class from the Home Herbalist or Beyond Series for $50 – register here
Drop In on any Live Streamed Home Herbalist Class for $50 – register here

These classes are pre-recorded in online format.

You’ll get access to all the online materials (notes, webinar video, remedy making video, slides).
Drop In/Request-A-Class individual class registrations do NOT include homework/feedback, certificate/pendant, AHG membership, series student discounts, and other bonus items.

If you attend drop in class(es) and would like to transfer your payment towards a full series registration, email

You can also catch various free videos, podcasts, and materials here.

Home Herbalist Series Registration: Live Stream, In the Classroom, At your own pace


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The Home Herbalist series is also a component of the Herbalist Training Certificate Program.
Students who complete the Home Herbalist (part 1), Beyond (part 2), and Advanced series (part 3) including all accompanying homework will receive an Herbalist CertificateSee course FAQ including what a certificate does and doesn’t mean here. Also check out my blog on Becoming an Herbalist.

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Making Herbalism More Accessible

Customize-able payment plans available by request with no extra fee (email our team at with the best schedule of payments – $ amount and due dates – that works for you). It’s preferred that all of the course price (or at least half) is paid before the live series or online access begins. To request and set up your payment plan, please fill out this form.

Limited partial and full scholarships available by request to BIPOC students, folks with financial need, and other traditionally marginalized groups. Please fill out this form if you’re interested in a series scholarship.