Schedule Maria

Invite Maria Noël Groves at your next educational event or talk!

Join me for a fun and educational exploration into healing herbs. From discussions about key herbs that offer healing properties to growing them, along with specific indications for using each one. Plus I can present some easy DIY healing recipes and have signed copies of my best-selling books available for sale. Click here for my bio and to learn more about my background.

Select a Date & Time

These rates and times are negotiable and should be determined in advance as we schedule the talk. My rates depend partly on the type of class as some are more labor and time intense than others. I appreciate the opportunity to sell my book before or after class if appropriate.

Simple Talk Rates

No demonstration or remedy making component. Includes printed or emailed PDF handout for attendees. (A limited amount of reduced rate and pro-bono classes may be available in special situations – such as for BIPOC-led/served groups and nonprofits that specifically support improved access for lower income and/or frequently marginalized populations. Please reach out directly to Maria with these requests, including background information on your organization.)

Talk Base Rates

    • $300 ($400 for group sizes of 50+ people) for 1 to 1.5 hours
    • $400 ($500 for group sizes of 50+ people) for 2 to 3 hours
    • $600 ($800 for group sizes of 50+ people) for full day
    • Weekdays or weeknights are preferred. Add $200 to rate if class is conducted on a weekend. I am rarely available for weekend dates, especially during the busy season of May through September.

ADD –  Travel Fee:  

    • Local – No fee for classes hosted at Wintergreen Botanicals or local travel within a 30 minute drive of Chichester, NH.
    • Add $75 for classes that are within a 1 hour drive.
    • Add $100 for classes in a 1-2 hour drive.
    • Add $200 for a 2 hour drive or to allow additional time due to rush hour (such as Boston-area classes).
    • For classes that require long distance travel, overnight stays and other travel costs will need to be covered; please discuss directly with Maria to arrange.


Interested in Remedy-Making Demos & Hands on Activities?

    • See further below for additional fees.


Choose a Topic

These are Maria’s most popular topics, but many more are available upon request.

Backyard Medicine: Learn about the medicinal benefits of a variety of herbs that can be grown right in your back yard. We will discuss my top garden herbs and their multifaceted healing properties. From bedtime teas to brain boosters and wound healers, you can grow your medicine easily!

The Backyard Medicine class typically focused on herbs you would cultivate in the garden, but it can be adapted to focus on Common Wild Medicinal Plants instead.

Growing & Using Peaceful Herbs: Learn how to grow herbs that promote sleep, boost mood, quell anxiety, and encourage calm energy. We will discuss some of Maria’s favorite local herbs that can be grown in any size garden.

The Secret Lives of Garden Herbs: Rosemary goes great with chicken, but did you know that it may also help stave off Alzheimer’s disease? Or that sage can help with hot flashes? Come learn surprising ways that common culinary herbs and companion plants can also help your family stay healthy.

The Nutritives: If you are not interested in taking a multivitamin, consider nourishing herbal teas. Several of our best herbs are nutritional powerhouses that turn a tasty beverage into good health maintenance. Some of them also make delicious meals. You will learn which herbs are particularly high in vitamins and minerals, plus go home with recipes.

Brain Boosting Herbs: Feeling foggy lately? Learn about some energizing herbs that enhance brain circulation and memory plus reduce the effects of stress. We will also discuss helpful foods and lifestyle techniques to keep your brain running top notch. This topic is great whether you are a student, busy parent, or approaching old age.

Natural Allergy Relief: By tending to your allergies before they start you can actually reduce or eliminate them! We will discuss how to do this with herbal remedies and a neti pot as well as address potentially problematic food sensitivities and weakened immune system.

Soothing Herbs & Gut Repair: Digestive disorders plague many Americans. Learn about common approaches with herbal teas and diet to soothe the gut and bring the body back into balance. We will explore underlying themes of digestive conditions as well as potential remedies including digestive bitters, fermented foods, and probiotics.

Additional topics — including advanced, remedy-making, and day-long classes — are available upon request.

Host a Class at Wintergreen Botanicals

I’m happy to host your group for no added fee in my home-based classroom located on Canterbury Road in Chichester, NH. But there are some stipulations!

  • Snug classroom space for up to 10 people.
  • The classroom is only available May through early October because of winter weather dangers and parking.
  • The home-based classroom is unfortunately not handicap accessible and is not appropriate for those with mobility challenges. Parking is down a steep hill from the entryway, and stairs
  • My sweet dog Reishi often joins us in the classroom.
  • The new home has limited opportunities for herb/plant walks. While there are some medicinal cultivated and wild plants here, I do not have extensive gardens here at the new home and the wild plants are much less biodiverse.) Plant walk terrain is steep and uneven.
  • The classroom has a small screen for slides and close of video of Maria’s demos and is also capable of hybrid classes that are simultenously live streamed and/or recorded. There is space in the kitchen for hands-on activities (for added fees).

Interested in a Demonstration or Remedy Making Class?

In these hands on classes you will learn how to make one or more remedies. Due to the time intense process of preparing and packing for these classes, please add $250 for a remedy making class. If there are take-home remedies for students, a per student charge will also be added. This additional materials fee varies by topic but is typically around $5 per person per small remedy (batch of tea, small bottle of finished remedy, small jar of macerating remedy).

If you are interested in this or would like an extended list of classes offered please email

Photo credit to Robin Carter