Blog ~ Good Health Grows in Nature

Welcome to the Wintergreen Botanicals blog, where I celebrate the many ways that good health grows in nature. See my most recent blog posts below and the Hubs below/right.

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March 29, 2019 Maria Noel Groves

So many digestion-supportive herbs grow well in the garden and lend themselves so nicely to tea. In my guest blog post for I delve into the Tummy Soothing Theme Garden in my book Grow Your Own Herbal Remedies. You’ll learn…. Why tea is perhaps the best delivery system for gut-healing herbs Key herbal actions…

March 28, 2019 Maria Noel Groves

These seven herbs will infuse your garden, kitchen, and life with joy and deliciousness! In my book Grow Your Own Herbal Remedies, one of the first themed gardens I feature is The Flavor Garden. This garden features herbs that taste yummy, look beautiful, and lend themselves well to various recipes, particularly herbal beverages including tea,…

March 28, 2019 Maria Noel Groves

I live with a pollen count barometer. He starts honking and sneezing as soon as tree pollen releases into the early spring breeze. He peaks again with the grass mid-summer, and he doesn’t end until the last of the ragweed dies back to the ground. If we have a wet fall, the mold kicks in….

March 26, 2019 Maria Noel Groves

If you’re thinking about growing your own medicinal herb garden and making your own remedies, you’re in for a real treat! Connecting with healing plants in your backyard brings great joy and empowerment. But, sometimes you’re not quite sure where to start. Check out this blog post I wrote for Powell’s Bookstore for gardening and…

March 25, 2019 Maria Noel Groves

Fire cider. It’s a loaded term. To newbies, it’s simply a sweet, pungent, spicy remedy. We take it by the spoonful to warm our bones, ward off infections, and keep the cardiovascular system healthy. But, to those of us deeply entrenched in the herbal community, it’s become much more. It’s a trademark. It’s a lawsuit….

March 10, 2019 Maria Noel Groves

Preparing and eating healthy food on a regular basis challenges most of us, especially those who are only making food for themselves. Many of my clients are single, widowed, or empty nesters, or perhaps they just have one other person living with them (a significant other or older child). Convenience foods like take-out, cheese, energy…

February 26, 2019 Maria Noel Groves

Spring will soon be in the air! February and March are an excellent time to start planning for your spring garden and order and plant seeds or think about what seedlings you’d like to purchase. Garden Planning & Planting First off, what would you like to plant? Perhaps you have your old favorite herbs that…

February 20, 2019 Maria Noel Groves

As a culture and a human species, we value resilience and resistance: the ability to have strength in the face of challenges and to be able to bounce back from adversity. Yet, as Americans, we often lack these attributes in our daily health, and it seems like this is getting worse rather than better across…

February 6, 2019 Maria Noel Groves

In winter, it helps to cozy in with a satisfying tea like this Roasted Roots Cocoa blend. Mostly, it’s just a nice, tasty, cozy tea. But, of course, these herbs do have medicinal properties. It gently stimulates digestion, detoxification, energizes, lifts moods, and balances blood sugar (especially if sipped at the end of a meal)….

January 30, 2019 Maria Noel Groves

Winter season symbolizes rest and restoration, a time to hibernate, eat warm food, and work on creative projects. Yet the reality isn’t always so cozy. Cold temps, dry air, and indoor living can make us more susceptible to mood funks and everyday infections. Our modern lives don’t always slow down for winter, either. School, work…