Herbal Education Opportunities
Maria offers her core herbal study series in her Wintergreen Botanicals classroom and gardens in New Hampshire as well as online. She also offers various community classes. Many of Maria’s classes feature topics covered in her books Body Into Balance and Grow Your Own Herbal Remedies. You can also SCHEDULE MARIA to teach a special class for your group.
Quick Links
Upcoming Live Individual Classes (in person +/or live streamed online)
Home Herbalist Series
Beyond the Home Herbalist Series
FULL Advanced Intensive Herbalist Training Series
Upcoming Live Classes
All Classes Taught by Herbalist and Author Maria Noël Groves unless otherwise noted.
In addition to the following offerings, check out my own regular pre-recorded online (pre-recorded) learning opportunitiesand live-streamed series and classes and stay tuned on the mailing list!
Maria’s 2025 Live Series
Tuesday Nights 6-9 pm Eastern Time
Live Streamed Online & Recorded
• Home Herbalist Series March through April
• Advanced Series Module on Advanced Health Concerns May – Early June, continuing September through November
• Beyond the Home Herbalist Series June through August (limited in person spots also available!)
Community Classes
Uplifting Herbs: Natural and Herbal Mood Support
The January 14 class has passed but you can
watch the webinar for FREE on YouTube here
Backyard Medicine: Garden Herbs & Helpful Weeds
This class is co-hosted by the Chichester NH Gardening Club and Chichester Town Library.
In Person Only
Wednesday, May 21, 6-7:30 pm
at the Chichester Grange Hall, 54 Main St, Chichester, NH
Learn about the medicinal benefits of a variety of herbs that can be grown right in your backyard. We will discuss my top garden herbs and their multifaceted healing properties. From bedtime teas and immune support to brain boosters and wound healers, you can grow your medicine easily!
FREE and open to the public! No registration necessary – just drop in.
In Person Only
FREE and open to the public – no registration necessary. Just show up!
More classes to be announced!
Save the date for the New Hampshire Herbal Network’s Herb & Garden Day on Saturday June 7 at Mount Kearsarge Indian Museum in Warner, NH
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Free/Choose Your Price!
So You Want to Become an Herbalist?
Tips, Insights, Logistics & Questions Answered
REPLAY Available! (Recorded Thursday, April 13, 2023)
Are you a new or intermediate herb student wondering how to work towards herbalism as a career, if it’s feasible, what steps to take, etc? This class is for you!
Choose Your Price: FREE, $25, or $50
More Details & Registration
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Did You Miss a Class at You Wanted to Take?
Check out ALL Maria’s on-demand online class recordings and series here to see if you can catch the replay and get the class materials that way! You’ll find many classes and multiple pages of listings there. (Not all classes are available, but many are!)
Maria’s Special Herbal Study Programs
Empower yourself in herbal medicine with Maria’s Home Herbalist Series and the Beyond the Home Herbalist Series. Each of the nine classes in each series will introduce you to a body system – how it works, when things go wrong, and how to bring it back into balance with herbs, nutrition, and lifestyle – as well as a remedy-making technique. You’ll finish the series with a strong background in herbal medicine, the ability to confidently use herbs in your home for everyday ailments and overall wellbeing, and a stocked home apothecary. Then, if you’re interested, move beyond to Maria’s Advanced Series. Certificates of Completion will be granted to eligible students for each series. All three seres together comprise the Wintergreen Botanicals Herbalist Training Program over-arching Herbalist Certificate.
Interested students should read Maria’s blog on Becoming an Herbalist, see series FAQ and policies including what a certificate does and doesn’t mean here,. and check out this overview of the full program including course hours. All class registrations are nonrefundable.
The Home Herbalist Series
Class 1: Introduction to Herbalism & Herbal Nutrition | The Art of Tea
Class 2: Stress & Energy: Adaptogens for Health | Tinctures
Class 3: Relaxation & Mood: Nervous System | Flower Essences
Class 4: Digestive Wellness: Herbs for the Upper & Lower GI | Herbal Oils
Class 5: Detoxification: Herbs for the Liver, Colon & Urinary Tract | Capsules
Class 6: Herbs to Support Blood Sugar Balance | Skin Salves
Class 7: Heart Health: Hypertension & Cholesterol | Herb Honey & Vinegar
Class 8: Herbs for Immunity, Allergies, Cold & Flu | Elderberry Syrup
Class 9: Herbs for Women & Men | Lip Balm, Cream, Bodycare
Bonus Recorded Classes:
Herb-Drug Interactions • Advanced Gut Repair Mini Course
Mood/Uplifting Herbs • Herb Gardening • Formulation
Intro to Energetics • Sourcing • Herb-Drug Interactions • Science of Herbs
Herb Walk Videos • More
Check Out the Home Herbalist Series Details and Registration Options Here
Beyond the Home Herbalist Series
Class 1: Backyard Medicine | Tea Blending
Class 2: Herb-Drug Interactions | Medicinal Mushrooms | Broths
Class 3: Longevity & Vitality | Cordials, Elixirs & Oxymels
Class 4: Strong Bones | Nourishing Infusions & Seaweed Snacks
Class 5: Brain-Boosting Herbs | Brainiac Bonbons
Class 6: Managing Chronic Pain | Gin Raisins or Topical Pain Oil
Class 7: Strong Lungs | Herbal Cough Syrup
Class 8: Healthy Skin with Herbs | Flower Water & Herbal Exfoliant
Class 9: Autoimmune Disease | Electuaries
Bonus Recorded Classes:
Herbal Chocolate • Formulation • Intro to Energetics
Sourcing •Herb-Drug Interactions • Science of Herbs
Herb Walk Videos • More
Check Out the Course Details & Registration Options Here
Individual Online Classes Also Available
Advanced Series
Taught by Clinical Herbalist Maria Noël Groves, RH (AHG)
with Guest Instructors
Develop your skills as an herbalist to do what you love as a business!
Enjoy a lively mix of classes, guest classes, bonus webinars, remedy-making videos, detailed class notes, and thought-provoking interactive homework to build your skills as an herbalist.
The FULL version of the Advanced Series will remain available as an at-your-own-pace on demand series – details and registration here for the FULL Advanced Series.
This series is also a component of the Herbalist Training Certificate Program.
Students who complete the Home Herbalist, Beyond, and Advanced series including all accompanying homework will receive an Herbalist Certificate. See course FAQ including what a certificate does and doesn’t mean here. Also check out my blog on Becoming an Herbalist.
For a LIMITED TIME – BONUS (November 2024 – June 2024), if you register for the FULL on-demand Advanced Series, you will be automatically ALSO enrolled in the Live Streamed Advanced Health Concerns Series described below for no additional fee.
2025 Live Streamed Advanced Health Concerns Series
Tuesday Nights in Mid May- Early June and September through November 2025
Live Streamed & Recorded – No deadline to watch/access
Taught by Maria Noel Groves with Guest Teachers
We’ll focus on 12 advanced health concern topics
plus at least 7 optional bonus classes.
Online Classes & Series
Enjoy the flexibility of being able to work through classes and course material anywhere in the world at your own pace. These classes and series are comprised of pre-recorded materials (audio and/or video recordings, class notes, etc.) that are fully accessible to you after registration. There is no deadline nor time limit for content access.
You will receive an automated email within 1 hour of your registration with access links. If you don’t receive it (first check your spam folder) or have trouble accessing the materials, email maria@wintergreenbotanicals.com.
Visit my Online Shop
For all the pre-recorded at-your-own-pace (on-demand) online classes and series
As well as any upcoming live streamed online classes and series
Also check out the following online intensive courses I have taught for other organizations…
American Herbalists Guild Professional Intensive: Support for Vital Aging & Elder Care DETAILS & REGISRATION HERE
ADHD Intensive via the Herbal Academy: The three classes in this mini-course provide an overview of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder from a holistic perspective, an array of useful herbs, and how to customize a protocol to the individual. Traditional use, clinical experience, and modern science are covered for each herb. These herbs are herbs are useful for focus and cognition regardless of an ADHD diagnosis. This class is no longer available as a stand-alone course; however, access is included with membership to the Herbal Academy’s Herbarium anytime ($45/year subscription) – click here to subscribe.* The Herbarium is an awesome resource of intensive and advanced articles, mini-courses, and herb monographs.
*This is an affiliate link – if you use this link to register, a small portion of your purchase proceeds will support my work (at no extra cost to you).
Wintergreen Botanicals Education Center is Proud to Be
an American Herbalist Guild Member School and a
United Plant Savers Partner in Education
Did You Know?
American Herbalist Guild members get 10% off AHG Members are eligible for a 10% discount on all online series and classes by Wintergreen Botanicals. This discount cannot be combined with other discounts and is not applicable to students who received their AHG membership as part of their Wintergreen Botanicals class registration. (To access the promo code, use your member login on the AHG website and go to the member discounts page.) Learn More
Also, many insurance and employee wellness programs (including SchoolCare) offer incentives, discounts, and reimbursements when you attend wellness classes like these. Check with your insurance company or HR/wellness department to see if the classes are eligible, and bring any necessary paperwork to class for Maria to sign.
Refund & Cancellation Policy
For Classes at Wintergreen Botanicals (in-person, online, and live stream) ONLY
For classes at other locations, please see the host organization’s policy.
Wintergreen Botanicals class/series registration is typically nonrefundable.
Click here for more details class and series policies, refunds, and exceptions.